Friday 6 March 2009

being 50.... don't blog off yet!

i thought i'd better be upfront about it, esp as i'd explained about being tedsmum, but honestly i still feel 15 some days, it really hasn't changed. I guess all the under 30's have blogged off somewhere else now, just as i would have, but just in case you hung around, this is how it is......

when i was at school there were kids in my class who had already hit forty, and that's how they've stayed. i always wanted to be about 15, got there and stayed there. Some days i can't believe it until i start to walk the dogs or throw a grandson up in the air and i'm stiff and achey and puzzled about it.
But the air smells as fresh and the sky is as blue and the birdsong, 20 or more robins removed from that one that sung on my fifteenth morning, all just the same. really.

worse still, i can remember the boys and the hayfields and the first bottle of vodka and the not having a hangover like it was yesterday, and what was i doing yesterday? who knows, the mind is a sneaky rat.......

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