Friday 13 March 2009



After a five day anaesthesia induced high that big black cloud crept up behind me and slapped me in the back of the head. The week got looonger and colder and i got so tired that i barely made it through friday. Got through it normally, that is, so's you would notice. I wasn't going to slit my wrists or anything, just jack in the job and sell the house and leave the country and....

but i couldn't be arsed, and I get massive panic attacks about being away from home, so i just hunched up in front of the screen for four or five hours and this is some of what i found: Jean Paul Gaultier totally reflecting my mood, inspiring me to organise a fundraising tea party, and something to think about:

Life does not consist mainly, or even largely, of facts and happenings. It consists mainly of the storm of thoughts that are forever blowing through one's mind. -Mark Twain

So, I am going to my bed and my book, which I hope will replace that storm with the words of The Bonesetter's Daughter to ease me into my dreams....

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